Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Russian Revolution

Between 1861 and 1917, Russian society had undergone many changes. It is safe to say that every aspect of that society had been some how modified. These changes led up to the Bolshevik revolution in November of 1917. Given the nature of Russian society, was the Bolshevik revolution unavoidable Among the changes Russian society had undergone, one starts off the whole chain of events. This was the emancipation of the serfs, in 1861, by Czar Alexander. The emancipation freed 44 million peasants. The Czar knew that the only way to end the discontent of the serfs and to show that Russia too was a modern society would be to let them free. The Edict of Emancipation caused many problems these uneducated peasants. The land now assigned to them was smaller then the plots they were using as serfs. This was an average of 8 acres. There was also a forty-nine year period over which installments could be paid before the peasants were given full ownership of the land. In fact many peasants were still working for their landlords after the edict. Because of his efforts Alexander was nicknamed the liberator.. Despite giving the serfs their freedom, Alexanders actions cause more problems then they solved. After the unification of Germany between 1861 and 1891, which accelerated its military and political power, Russia too felt it should industrialize. A man named Sergei Witte, who was Minister of Finance from 1892-1903, almost single-handedly pushed Russia into its industrialization. He knew that Russia needed something to start her on the road to industrialization. Wittes efforts made industrial advances from 1892 to 1910. Between 1880 and 1914, Russia had a growth rate of 3. 5%. This would have surely brought Russian higher in the rank of industrial and economical world powers. It was said that all Russia needs is 20 years of peace, without war and she will not be in risk of revolution. Unfortunately, the statement was ignored and in 1904, Russia commenced a yearlong war with Japan. The Czars ministers had assured him that the war with Japan would be an easy victory. In fact Russia suffered a devastating defeat. This leads to the revolution of 1905. Along with industrialization, Russia needed to educate the population. A large majority of the population was illiterate, and factories were looking for more skilled workers. The education of the people led to the growing popularity of several anti-Czarist groups. The Nihilists for example took very violent and destructive path towards revolution, the word nihil meaning nothing.. This group was mainly composed of young educated men from universities. There were also social democrats, such as the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. Both groups aimed to over through the Czar and create a socialist state, they had the support of students and workers, but the main differences were in the organization of the parties. The Bolsheviks, believed in a small, secret, disciplined party of professional revolutionists who would seize power when the time was right.. They planned revolutionary cells of three or four people who would organize strikes and demonstrations in factories. Among these people was Vladimir Ulyanov, better as Lenin. He was a devoted Bolshevik who was exile to in Siberia after being arrested for his action in a Marxist group. Lenin remained outside Russia, with his wife Nadezhda Krupskaya, a fellow revolutionist, and organizing strikes until the revolution in 1917. The Mensheviks, believed the party should be a mass organization which all workers could join. This mass party would grow until it eventually took power. Among these the Mensheviks was Lev Bronstein, better known as Trotsky. Trotsky was a kulack, a rich peasant. Like Lenin he also fell in love with a fellow revolutionist. He was sent to exile for writing revolutionary pamphlets and leading strikes. Later on, he became the Menshevik chairman after coming back from exile in February of 1905. When the revolution collapsed he was once again arrested, but escaped and fled to America. In 1905, a petition of the workers and residents of St. Petersburg was submitted to Czar Nicholas II. A large group had formed in front of his palace and claimed that they would let themselves be shot if the demands of the people were not met, saying, we do not regret this sacrifice. We are glad to make it. Among the demands were: The immediate release of all who have suffered for religious, political, striking and peasant disorders. Universal education financed by the state. The guarantee of the rule of law. Equality of everyone. Separation of church and state. The abolition of indirect taxation. The abolition of redemption payments and the gradual transfer of land to the people. Abolition of the institution of factory inspectors. Immediate freedom for consumer and trade unions. Immediate introduction of a minimum wage. Immediate participation of the working classes in the drafting of a bill for state insurance of workers. The Czar responded by granting the population the freedom of speech, assembly and association, starting the Duma and the security that no law can be changed without the sanction of the state Duma. Unfortunately the set of three Dumas would not get anywhere at all, despite the efforts of Stolypin, who made great agricultural advances. On October 1916, a police report from Petrograd was released. The report states that military defeats helped the masses understand the problem of war. An unfair foodstuffs distribution, a rapid increase in living costs and a lack of supplies are factors that show the state is neglecting what is happening in Russia. Everyday life has become impossible and everywhere there are feelings of hostility. When the revolution took place in November 1917, the Czar had lost the support of his police, as they did not fire upon the crowds, as they did before. The people were just fed up and would not stand for what was happening in their country anymore. After rereading all the information I used to write this report I came to the conclusion that the revolution of 1917 indeed was unavoidable. Perhaps if Russia had gotten its 20 years of peace, as I notes before. Perhaps the Dumas would have worked out the way most people had hoped. The 20-year plan was interrupted by the war with the Japanese. This slowed down Russia development in every aspect. Then there was the First World War, which again slowed down Russian productivity and handicapped the whole country. Taking all the animosity the people felt towards the Czarist government I feel these events too were unavoidable. The Russian people had simply had enough and decided to take control of their own country.

Constitucion Casa Mac Iver, Chile

Castro Seccion 5 Fernandez Ricardo Altman Hidalgo Rojas Parraguez Idea La idea surge a raiz de la experiencia cercana de una de nuestras companeras de grupo.Ella es familiar directo de los Mac-Iver y todos los veranos solia pasar parte de las vacaciones con la familia en la casona de Constitucion la que albergaba a mas de 60 personas (tal como lo mostraban en â€Å"Chile intimo: Las vacaciones† de TVN). Lamentablemente, esta tradicion esta limitada, ya que la colonial casona, se encuentra con danos graves producto del terremoto del 27 de febrero. ObjetivoNuestro objetivo principal es querer demostrar que a pesar de la vida rapida e inexpresiva que vivimos dia a dia, es necesario conectarse con la familia y las raices, contacto que creemos es primordial para tener un desarrollo pleno, es asi como tomamos como ejemplo la casona de Constitucion un lugar familiar e importante que en estos momentos significa para la familia Mac-Iver mucho mas que un punto de encuentro ya que ahora es la fuente donde desembocaran todas sus energias para volver a ponerla de pie. Constitucion (1794)Constitucion se encuentra en la orilla de la desembocadura del Rio Maule en el Oceano Pacifico. La ciudad se encuentra limitada por varios cerros, siendo el mas importante el cerro Mutrun, situado cerca de la desembocadura. Los lugares tipicos mas importantes de Constitucion son: la Piedra de la Iglesia, el Penon de Calabocillos, la Piedra de los Enamorados y la Piedra del Elefante. La zona donde se encuentra la ciudad fue antes de la llegada de los espanoles un lugar de pesca y refugio de los indigenas changos y mapuches.Hubieron muchos intentos por establecer un poblado permanente en la zona, en 1791 se establecio una propuesta oficial a cargo de Santiago Onederra. En 1793, el gobernador de Chile Ambrosio O'Higgins autoriza la fundacion de la villa bajo el nombre de Nueva Bilbao. En 1828, se le rebautiza con el nombre actual en honor a la Constitucion de 1828 que se estrenaba en ese entonces. [pic] El Fundador [pic] Henry Mac Iver (1815 – 1877), el fundador de la familia de ese apellido en Chile, fue un marino de origen escoces, que por azar llego a al costa de Valparaiso, durante 1835 debido a un naufragio.Mac Iver se quedo en Chile recuperandose de su accidente y en 1847 se le otorga la nacionalidad chilena, lo que le permitiria comprar varias 37 embarcaciones a lo largo de su vida. En 1841 conocio a Leonor Rodriguez (1819 – 1887) y el 2 de febrero de de 1843 se casa con ella. Ese mismo Henry comienza la construccion de la que seria â€Å"La Casa Mac Iver†. El 15 de Julio de 1844 nace su primogenito, Enrique Mac Iver, luego lo hace su segunda hija Flora Mac Iver el 20 de junio de 1846. Despues nacerian 6 hijos mas. Al fallecer, su viuda, Leonor, lo reemplazaria en la cabeza de la familia hasta su muerte por colera en 1887.Ambos estan sepultados en el cementerio de Constitucion [pic] Enrique Mac Iver [pic] El primogenito de Henry Mac Iver , capitan escoces, Enrique Mac Iver Rodriguez (Constitucion, 15 de Julio de 1844 – Santiago, 21 de Agosto de 1922), quinto dueno de la casa, fue quien refacciono y amplio decididamente. Este hombre se destacaria a lo largo de su vida como importante abogado y destacado congresista por 46 anos, alcanzando lo mas altos puestos como politico: diputado, senador, ministro del estado y pre-candidato presidencial en dos ocasiones.Ademas seria Gran Mestre de la Masoneria Chilena (1887-1894), debiendo decretar que la masoneria descansara mientras duro la guerra civil de 1891, para evitar que la grave contienda se infiltrara en ella. Quizas una de sus actuaciones publicas mas importantes se encuentre en su firme papel de opositor a la presidencia de Jose Manuel Balmaceda. Contrajo matrimonio con Emma Ovalle Gutierrez, con quien tuvo descendencia. Historia de la casa La propiedad en un principio estuvo constituida por un pedazo de terreno con tres frentes exclusivamente: el principal ( hacia Bulnes), el lateral por la calle Prieto, y hacia el sur, por la calle O`Higgins.Este terreno fue la parte original (Patio del Medio), el patio del cuidador y el sector bodegas, hoy Patio de los Crespones, junto a una arboleda en la parte trasera de la casa. De manera simultanea Henry Mac Iver comenzo a edificar en un terreno aledano (Bulnes esquina Prieto) una casa que dejaria para renta, hoy el Patio del Nispero. Al fallecimiento de su mujer Leonor, se llevo a cabo el remate de la casa junto con otras propiedades. La casa se dividio entre los hijos del matrimonio.Enrique, Leonor y David se quedaron con la casa y sus otros hermanos fueron compensados con otras propiedades en el mismo pueblo. Con el tiempo Enrique le compraria a sus hermanos la propiedad, quedandose como unico dueno de ella (1917). Seria el quien modernizaria la Casa, dandole la fisonomia con la actualmente la conocemos. Los terremotos de Talca de 1929 y de Chillan de 1939, especialmente el primero, dejaron a l a casa a muy mal traer. Los muros de adobe del Patio del Medio estan todos amarrados con grandes vigas de roble, lo que no ocurre con los de los patios aterales. Luego de ambos terremotos, se ataron con largos tensores de acero. En 1954 el Rio Maule se desbordo, llegando hasta la Plaza misma; la gente que andaba en botes por las calles.La Casa sufrio la inundacion, soportandola relativamente bien; el Patio del Medio se salvo por estar en altura, pero los restantes no. En vida Enrique Mac Iver la casa alcanzo su maximo esplendor, asi como extension. La Casa Mac Iver constituye un ejemplo, de los que hay pocos en Chile, de una propiedad que se ha mantenido desde su construccion en manos de la misma familia. pic] Entrada Principal [pic] Escritoria Enrique Mac Iver [pic] Salon Principal [pic] Ante Salon [pic] Comedor principal [pic] Patio del Cuidador [pic] Patio del Medio [pic] Patio de los Crespones La Familia Mac Iver Ubicada en plena ciudad, la casa Mac Iver es todo un simbolo. De e stilo colonial, con sus adobes intactos y zonas que denotan el evidente paso del tiempo, sigue siendo el centro de reunion de una enorme familia que no se pierde ni por nada el veraneo en este caseron de 165 anos.Son ocho generaciones que han sabido mantenerla y respetar su espiritu, habitando con orgullo cada uno de sus 40 dormitorios, 16 banos, 3 comedores, tres patios y salones. En Constitucion, a la casa de los Mac Iver se llega preguntando. Son pocos los que no conocen esta construccion colonial de un piso, que por 165 anos ha ocupado la manzana comprendida por las calles Bulnes, Pinto, Prieto y que hoy muestra sus muros de adobe descascarados, con graffitis en alguna esquina y ventanas tapeadas para evitar que rompan sus vidrios.Asi oculta un mundo interior desconocido para quienes pasan frente a ella, un pasado glorioso que inspira curiosidad. Ha sido gracias a las reglas que se han traspasado y respetado, que todo luce mas o menos como en los tiempos de sus abuelos, bisabuel os, tatarabuelos y choznos. Los ninos no entran al salon, a la salita ni al escritorio (sectores que lucen intactos) hasta que cumplen los 14 anos. La tradicion dice que tampoco, hasta esa edad, pueden sentarse a la mesa del comedor grande, que aun con sus treinta sillas, prohibe el ingreso a los menores.Habia otras construcciones senoriales importantes alrededor, que ya no existen, cuando Constitucion era un rico balneario de la alta sociedad talquina. Las propiedades que valian, se botaron. Actualmente, la familia organiza sus visitas repartiendose los tres patios que articulan la casa: el del medio (que es el original), el del Nispero y el de los Crespones, que se unieron al nucleo central hacia 1904. Los 40 dormitorios y 16 banos que los rodean estan asignados a cada una de las ramas Mac Iver, y si bien no todas las piezas estan en el mismo estado de conservacion, hay algunas que se han recuperado.En una de ellas dormia una de las hijas de Enrique Mac Iver Rodriguez, que hoy man tiene el mismo mobiliario de fines del siglo XIX, las cortinas y sus camas de bronce. En esta familia hay una renovacion de las ganas por venir. Para los Mac Iver tiene un valor sentimental mas alla del historico y arquitectonico. â€Å"Nosotros vamos a Constitucion, pudiendo ir a otros lados, porque tenemos un contacto fisico con algo que nos recuerda a nuestros antepasados y seres mas queridos† cuenta un Mac Iver Punto de encuentro y entretencion, los veraneos aqui son esperados durante todo el ano.Grandes y chicos lo han hecho el mejor lugar para pasar sus vacaciones, con los tradicionales paseos en lancha, las idas a la playa y al rio, las excursiones, la peregrinacion cada Viernes Santo al cerro Mutrun. Los almuerzos a las dos en punto previo toque del gong, las noches de peliculas en el â€Å"Patio del Medio†. Todos los muebles, rincones y habitaciones hablan de una historia familiar que se renueva cada vez que vuelven. Antes era febrero el mes de apertura oficia l de sus puertas y nadie iba durante el ano.Hoy, con casi cien â€Å"huespedes† habituales, la casa da la bienvenida desde septiembre y cierra sus salones en Semana Santa [pic] 27 de Febrero de 2010 El sismo del 27 de Febrero es considerado como el segundo mas fuerte en la historia del pais y uno de los cinco mas fuertes registrados por la humanidad. El terremoto ocurrio a las 03:34 a. m, tuvo una magnitud de 8,8. El epicentro fue en el mar frente a Curanipe y Cobquecura a 150 kilometros de Concepcion. El sismo tuvo una duracion de 2 minutos 45 segundos.Las zonas mas afectadas por el terremoto fueron las regiones de Valparaiso, Metropolitana de Santiago, O'Higgins, Maule, Biobio y La Araucania. En las regiones del Maule y el Biobio, el terremoto alcanzo una intensidad de IX en la escala de Mercalli, devastando gran parte de ciudades como Constitucion, Concepcion, Cobquecura y el puerto de Talcahuano. Los muertos ascendieron a una cantidad de 521. Hay alrededor de medio millon de viviendas severamente danadas. Y se estiman 2 millones de damnificados. El terremoto fue la peor tragedia natural vivida en Chile desde 1960.Al terremoto lo siguio un tsunami que destruyo aun mas los pueblos costeros afectados por el movimiento. . Esta masa de agua a gran velocidad golpeo la costa chilena, alcanzando las localidades costeras de las regiones del Maule y el Biobio. En Constitucion, la cifra de muertos fue de 172. Luego de que el impacto del terremoto destruyera gran parte de las viviendas, media hora despues vino la primera de tres olas que entraron a Constitucion, superando los 8 metros cada una. Estas hicieron subir considerablemente el nivel del mar la que se transformo en una pared de agua que entro hasta la Plaza de Armas de la ciudad.Gran parte de los fallecidos corresponden unas doscientas personas que al momento del terremoto estaban acampando en la isla del Maule, ubicada sobre la ribera de este. Las antiguas edificaciones de adobe de Constitucion quedaro n totalmente destruidas. Mas de la mitad del casco historico quedo en el piso, incluyendo diversos monumentos historicos y centenarias construcciones de origen colonial. El maremoto que afecto a Constitucion tambien produjo serios danos en las plantas de celulosa de CELCO, por lo que debieron suspenderse las actividades industriales (principal sustento de los maulinos junto a la pesca).Despues de que fue afectada por las 3 olas del tsunami. La casa de los Mac Iver soporto el terremoto, pero se vino abajo luego que el agua que desbordo el Maule. Se midio un metro de agua dentro de la casa. Las paredes de adobe no aguantaron y muchas se vinieron abajo, otras quedaron con serios danos estructurales. Salvar la construccion original de adobe con paja (unica en Chile) es imposible ademas de muy costosa. Hoy se buscan otras posibilidades para la reconstruccion de la casa, obra evaluada en 400 millones de pesos. Casa Mac Iver Post – Terremoto [pic] [pic] [pic] pic]j [pic] Estructura del proyecto documental El documental comenzaria con imagenes de archivos del terremoto y tsunami ocurrido el 27 de Febrero del 2010, seguido de una pequena introduccion a la ciudad de Constitucion y la llegada del primer Mac Iver (inicio del arbol genealogico) todo esto apoyado por imagenes de archivo y contado por un narrador en off que seria un familiar de la 8? generacion de los Mac Iver. El desarrollo abarcaria al cuidado que la familia a tenido por mantener el patrimonio familiar y cultural que significa esta casona colonial en la zona.Las principales secuencias del documental mostrarian las consecuencias del terremoto y tsunami que afecto a Constitucion y de forma especifica a la vivienda. Tomando como principal fuente de credibilidad los testimonios de integrantes de la familia que se encontraba habitando la casa en esa fecha. Para concluir se tratara la forma en que la familia Mac Iver planean la reconstruccion de la casona como un patrimonio mas que familiar, las etapas qu e tendran que pasar y la forma en que conseguiran ayuda para mantener en pie la casona. Referencia Documental â€Å"When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts† (2006)Si bien en el documental de las victimas del huracan katrina se nos muestra el general de la catastrofe, es decir, varias familias y el procedimiento de su rescate, la idea es tomar como referencia la estetica del documental con las entrevistas bien trabajadas en fotografia y locaciones, ya sean en estudio o en la zona cero. El uso de material de archivo es importante por que nos retrata la vida de la familia Mac – Iver antes de la catastrofe, la idea es tratar de obtener archivos desde los inicios de la casona para denotar la tradicion y prestigio de la familia que gracias al naufragio de Henry Mac- Iver llego a Chile en el ano1835.Los archivos actuales de la casona son fundamentales para uno de los objetivos claves del documental, que es obtener ayuda del fondo de reconstruccion que propuso el gobiern o. La construccion del documental es lineal, tal como el documental referente Desde la catastrofe en si, a traves del material de archivo con entrevista a la gente y a responsables de los fondos de reconstruccion, al voluntariado y a integrantes de la familia protagonista.Bibliografia – www. constitucion. cl – www. emol. com – www. theclinic. cl – â€Å"Chile Intimo: Las Vacaciones†, TVN – Archivos familia Mac Iver

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Moral and Social Philosophy

Moral philosophy is focused on the habits, customs, and values of a certain individual (Wikipedia, 2007). It has the following sub-categories: meta-ethics; normative ethics; as well as, applied ethics (Wikipedia, 2007). One of the major contributors of this school of thought is Immanuel Kant who said that â€Å"deontology† holds that an act is considered to be right if it goes with the moral rule or principle (Ethical.., 2001). For example, parents will have to decide whether or not to have their children immunized. Since it is required by the law then the parents will have to allow their children to be immunized; it is the right thing to do because it goes along with the moral rule or principle (Ethical.., 2007). Social Philosophy Social philosophy is technically defined as a study which addresses dilemmas concerning social/human behaviors (Wikipedia, 2007). It covers the following areas: effects of culture, effects of science, revolution, social contract, etc (Wikipedia, 2007). Simply put, social philosophy concerns itself with moral principles as applied to problems of equality, freedom, as well as, justice (Wikipedia, 2007). One of the major contributors of social philosophy is John Locke who stated that: men are equal, free, as well as independent; thus, they possess the faculty of reason, which gives them the right to preserve their property including their life, liberty, as well as, estates (Bennagen, 2000). In addition to that, he believes that the state of nature is one that is in a state of perfect equality, freedom, liberty, and rationality but it is possible to turn into a state of war especially in cases where there exists the absence of a common judge (Bennagen, 2000). Thus, for him, entering into social contract is necessitated so as not to go through anything that is similar to the state of war (Bennagen, 2000). Last but not least, he also believes that the people have the right to resist a government that tyrannical in nature (Bennagen, 2000). Subjectivism Subjectivism is the act of making moral judgments, however, based on an individual’s emotion (Ethics.., n.d.). For example, in judging if something is â€Å"nice†, an individual has to have a positive emotions about it otherwise it should not be labeled or declared as something â€Å"nice† (Ethics.., n.d.). Advocates of subjectivism claim that since moral judgments are decided upon subjectively or basing on emotions, then individuals are fully rational during such a period (Ethics.., n.d.). The major problem with subjectivism, however, is that, since it is based on emotions, the person may all the more arrive at wrong decisions or judgments, for example, dating a nice and handsome young but married man may feel nice but that doesn’t mean it is moral to do so (Ethics.., n.d.). One kind of subjectivism is known as metaphysical subjectivism and one of the major contributors of the aforementioned school of thought is Descartes (Wikipedia, 2007). Egoism Ethical egoism or simply egoism is doing something to fulfill an individual’s own interest whether it may be good or harmful to other people (Wikipedia, 2007). Egoism does not take into consideration the well-being of others nor does it do anything to be of assistance or help to others (Wikipedia, 2007). One of the contributors of this particular school of thought is Thomas Hobbes who advocated that self-interests should be pursued and practiced so that freedom may be equal to everybody (Wikipedia, 2007). He also believes that even if there is self-interest, it is impossible that an individual may be harmed because humans are typically the same when it comes to their wants and needs (Wikipedia, 2007). Virtue Ethics Virtue Ethics is where Aristotle’s moral theory is taken into consideration (Ethical.., 2001). Here, it is said that â€Å"an act is right if it is what a virtuous agent would do in the circumstances† (Ethical.., 2001). Let’s take for instance, the case on immunization, currently, there is a dilemma with regards to having every child immunized before going to school, utilizing virtue ethics in critical thinking, parents may decide that they will allow their children to be immunized because it is not only good for their children, but it will benefit all the others as well (Ethical.., 2001). Ethical Relativism Ethical relativism is where social, personal, historical, as well as, cultural considerations are the basis of one’s judgment or decision (Wikipedia, 2007). A contributor to this school of thought named Jean-Paul Sartre in fact claims that somebody’s morals, if any, will be proven only if the person follows certain social norms (Wikipedia, 2007). Utilitarianism John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism is built on the concept or principles of utility, which he believes is the foundation of morals (Bennagen, 2000). It holds that actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness (Bennagen, 2000). Happiness, according to John Stuart Mill, is equated to pleasure and the absence of pain, while unhappiness, for him, refers to pain and the privation of pleasure (Bennagen, 2000). Categorical Imperative This rationally dictates a course of action independent of whatever goals the agent may have (Encarta, 2007). By this, Immanuel Kant also meant that the moral law is categorical or that it applies to all situations, and by imperative, he meant, it is commanding, thus making it absolutely authoritative (Gaarder, 1991). Immanuel Kant stated the Categorical Imperative in two key formulations: 1) Act as if the maxim of your action were to become through your will a general natural law (Encarta, 2007), meaning, that it should apply to all people in all societies at all times (Gaarder, 1991); and 2) Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only (Encarta, 2007). By this statement, he meant, we should not exploit others to our own advantage (Gaarder, 1991). References Bennagen, Pia. (2000). Social, Economic and Political Thought. Quezon City: University of the Philippines Press. Encarta. (2005). Immanuel Kant. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from Ethical Theories Compared. (2001). Retrieved May 26, 2007 from Ethics 02 – Subjectivism. (n.d.). Retrieved May 26, 2007 from Gaarder, Jostein. (1991). Sophie’s World. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc., Wikipedia. (2007). Cogito Ergo Sum. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from Wikipedia. (2007). Egoism. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from Wikipedia. (2007). Ethical Relativism. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from Wikipedia. (2007). Moral Philosophy. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from Wikipedia. (2007). Social Philosophy. Retrieved May 26, 2007 from               

Monday, July 29, 2019

Human rights in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Human rights in China - Essay Example The proposed study thus adopts the hermeneutical design of research not only because it promises a high degree of objectivity but also because it is considered the most appropriate methodology for a study of the social sciences. Empirical evidence will be gathered, interpreted and analyzed to disprove or confirm prior conceptions (Schostak, 2002) about the prevalence of human rights abuses in China. Hermeneutics is the art or science of interpretation, which is often used in the interpretation of biblical passages and their applications on day-to-day living. In the same manner, research using the hermeneutical approach describes the practical problem, the processes of data collection and analysis as well as its interpretation and application. When a study asks what something means, the hermeneutically designed research focuses on the entire context within which it happens. Hermeneutics requires that in reading a text, examining a word or phrase will not make sense if the reading does not consider the whole text of which the word or phrase is a part. The â€Å"whole† may be a hospital and the â€Å"part† could be a waterborne or maternity clinic, in which case the relevant study must discuss how the specialized clinic and the hospital as a general treatment center relate to each other. Thus, the proposed research on human rights in China examines how the parts arti culate the whole, and how the whole makes the parts possible and vice versa. The parts here refer to specific instances of human rights violations within China, which will be studied and interpreted according to their place in the overall picture. China is equated with arbitrary detentions, lack of legal safeguards to ensure fair trial, torture and ill-treatment of prisoners, severe restrictions on freedom of expression and association, lack of religious freedom and human rights violations specific to women. This unsavory image of China has been established through the years not only by

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Hotel Fire Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

A Hotel Fire Strategy - Assignment Example The admeasurements of the staircases are also not provided. We assume width of each staircase to admeasure 1400 mm and of 5 meters height. â€Å"Elements of structure such as structural frames, beams, columns, load bearing walls and floor structures† are insulated from fire. The hotel owners have left nothing to chance while preparing the building for the hotel. Adequate care and provisions have been made that chances of fire is remote and even if it does takes place, it causes minimum damage (Buildings Other Than Dwelling Houses, 2007, p71). My work is to organize fire strategy for the entire hotel and comprises compartmentation, fire suppression, other internal fire spread and external fire spread Compartmentation The cinema on the ground floor has sprinklers. These sprinklers become automatically activated in the event of a fire. The closest sprinkler to the spot of the fire gets first activated. The heat above 45 degrees is immediately sensed by the sprinklers setting off water jets sprouting towards the fire. There are 30 sprinklers spread over the cinema. Four sprinkles are fixed on each wall totaling 16 all around the walls. Another 14 sprinklers guard the ceiling, 3 each in four rows and two hover over the screen (Buildings Other Than Dwelling Houses, 2007, p783). The cinema is one whole auditorium. So it is not possible to compartmentalize by means of walls or any other partition. The walls, floor and ceiling are, however, fire-proof. There are four large exit point that lead outside the building premises from the cinema. There are another four exit points that lead to the lobby of the ground floor. But these exit points have a wall in between the lobby and the exit points. There is a t en-foot passage between the exit points and the wall that lead to the main entrance of the hotel. An emergency exit almost the size of the passage width at one end of this passage leading outside the building premises is opened at the end of the shows to enable the viewers make their exit. Viewers are not allowed to exit from the hotel lobby except in emergency situations such as fire. The capacity of the cinema is 200 persons. In case of fire towards the exits leading outside the building, the viewers will naturally make exit from the exit points towards the lobby. A hundred viewers will exit from the lobby which will be opened for the exiting viewers in view of the emergency situation, and another hundred will exit from the emergency exit leading outside the building. The doors leading into the cinema are fire-proof. However, the large, dark curtains within the doors are not fire proof. Nevertheless, fire to these curtains will not result in large scale damage since the walls and floor are fire-proof. The seating arrangement in the cinema is fire-proof. The screen is not fire-proof. But sprinklers overhead will sprout water jets immediately the screen catches fire. Overall, the complete cinema is well-prepared for evacuation in case of fire. There are three fire

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Early Childhood Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Early Childhood Development - Essay Example at in preschool days between birth and age 5, most of the child development happens through family inputs and all children feel pride in their family members and that pride will decide about how the child thinks about herself. The development of child happens in an orderly manner, for example, crawling happens before walking. Though learning period differs child to child but usually it follows a definite order or pattern. Physical development follows a certain and set pattern. Large muscles in legs and arms grow first and then small muscles in the hands and fingers grow. The act of walking precedes the act of drawing. Development process is initiated from the head to the toes. How to keep head straight is learned by the child first before learning other processes such as crawling on stomach or on knees (Cherry, 2012). Large muscles in the arms and legs that promote the activity of walking, running, lifting, riding fall in this category. Proper nutrition and environment play a crucial part in the development of these activities (Goodheart-Willcox 2012, p.71). Small muscles of the fingers or hands that are used to hold, grasp or related activities fall in this category. Good physical growth leads to the healthy development of other faculties namely cognitive and emotional (Goodheart-Willcox 2012, p.71). Physical activities such as running, jumping, cycling on extended basis will help strengthen muscles. Strong and powerful body muscles not only increases the work stamina but safeguard the children from illness. This also helps forming a healthy social and emotional relationship with colleagues and a positive view point about life. Physical growth is accompanied by cognitive growth. Cognitive abilities such as reasoning, thinking, logic, memory, recognizing continue to grow side by side. Jean Piaget made a pioneering research on the child psychology and their learning abilities. According to him, children are as intelligent as adults. He listed some of the basic

Friday, July 26, 2019

Gordons Health Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Gordons Health Assessment - Essay Example These functions relate to one another and can be used as evidence in making decisions on the outcomes of patient care. There are other factors that will affect the reliability of data that can be gathered in making health assessments that will be presented during the interview and physical assessment of the patient. Other factors such as physiological, psychological and even cultural factors can influence on how much or how little of the data can be gathered from the patient (Functional Health patterns, n.d.). Every patient will have different reactions when being interviewed about their health. Some patients may exhibit feelings of anger towards their health care provider stemming from previous encounters with other health care practitioners that left them with a bad impression. There is also the cultural aspect of the patient where they may find certain questions and medical practices opposed to their culture, tradition and beliefs. Others would be depressed about being or felling ill and refuse to cooperate. There is also the physical condition of illnesses where patients may be in too much pain or cannot give coherent answers because of adverse reactions to medication. The everyday stresses in the workplace can also affect the nurse that will be making the assessment. Personal conflicts and beliefs on culture and ethnicities can influence the way the assessment is being handled (Morrison & Ashley-Coe, 2001). Preparing for the interview is also a key element in making health assessments. Patient interviews need to be carefully planned. Interviewers need to get their patients' trust so that they can gather information as accurately as they can. As with any interview, it is important to maintain eye contact and avoid possible distractions. Learning from the patients' charts can give interviewers ideas on how to formulate questions for the assessment (Jarvis, 2004). It is the understanding of all these factors that can make a good health assessment, coupled with the theory of functional health patterns by Gordon. These functional health patterns divided into eleven subcategories can help in the evaluation of a patient's physical, emotional and psychological health. Case Study Maria is a female patient aged 60 years old with a history of diabetes and hypertension. For the past few months, the patient complained of having stomach cramps or indigestion and difficulty in sleeping. She also reported self medicating these cramps with over the counter medication but the symptoms was never alleviated. But she was not cooperative enough to submit herself to other lab testing in order to find out the cause of her stomach discomfort. She has been very diligent in taking her diabetic and hypertensive medication, but her blood sugar and blood pressure has been erratic. She attributes this to the discomfort that she has been feeling recently. The patient also reported having difficulty with her bowel movement where there were days where she could not void, the longest period being five days. There were two areas that had an impact on the patients' functional health or ability. These were Elimination and Sleep-rest. These two factors caused considerable discomfort to the patient and may be symptoms of underlying illnesses. For this, a comprehensive geriatric health assessment can be used in order to find

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Competition & Consumer Act of 2010 Replaces Trade Practices Act of Essay

The Competition & Consumer Act of 2010 Replaces Trade Practices Act of 1974 - Implications and Significance - Essay Example The Trade Practices Act of 1974 has always been an integral component of Constitution of Australia as a guarantor of purchaser. Background & Evolution: The need for the formation of a business law was felt during the British rule in Australia in the first half of the 19th century however, at that time all the companies were governed by â€Å"English Company Act of 1862†. In the first half of the 20th century Federal Parliament of Australia formed "foreign corporations, and trading or financial corporation’s formed within the limits of the Commonwealth" and the Small Business activities were left within the domain of the state and the particular territories in a geographical location. In the year 1961-62 for the first time in the history of Australian Business Law State Legislation and Commonwealth Legislation formed â€Å"A Uniform Companies Act†. The year 1965 Trade Practices Act crafted a â€Å"Commissioner of Trade Practices and a Trade Practices Tribunalâ₠¬  to scan trade accords and performances. However, this act was ephemeral and finally the High Court in Australia had to annul the aforesaid act due to â€Å"Constitutional Difficulties† and replaced the same with Restrictive Practices Act in 1971. The Trade Practices Act of 1974 was endorsed to deal with issues relating to Consumer protection was exclusively in charge of looking after the interests of the consumers at all levels however, the Legislation regarding fair trading and other issues external to Trading Corporation remained within the realm of respective states and territories. Thus, The Trade Practices Act 1974 became the decisive Legal entity governing the trade policies to ensure the welfare of the consumers. Finally the Trade Practices Act 1974 was replaced by â€Å"Competition and Consumer Act of 2010.†(History of Business Law, 2010) The Trade Practices Act 1974 Hence the primary task of the Trade Practices Act was to ensure healthy competition without compromising the interests of the consumers. Fair Trading was the benchmark to analyze the role of big companies concerning the protection of consumers. From patrons, merchants, contractor and traders they all fall within the ambit of the Act. In short it included every facets of market place. Regulation of trade through Price monitoring is one of the key ingredients for accomplishing the consumer protection. Other means for safeguarding the interests of the consumers could be ensuring product security, labeling of products and finally restricting â€Å"unjust marketplace practices†. The Competition & Consumer Act of 2010 January 2010 marked the New Year with a new set of laws and legislations that was passed for safeguarding and protecting the rights of the Consumers as well as business groups. If one has to carefully analyze and understand the special benefit of this new law that has replaced the former Trade Practices Act, one can draw two main benefits which are evident. Special Significance of the Act: First it accommodates and accepts the nationwide agreed sets of protections on a consumer known as Australian Consumer Law (ACL). According to this new Act there would be a single uniform Consumer Law all over the country. Hence it would relieve the burden on the business enterprise to abide by the various inter–states rulings. The consumer on the other hand would feel less discriminated against as there would be a uniform law safeguarding and

Is Wind Power Green Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Is Wind Power Green - Research Paper Example On the other hand, fossil oil is not green. Fossil oil produces carbon monoxide (the motor vehicles’ intoxicating exhaust fumes). Fossil oil pollutes the earth’s atmosphere. Fossil oil suffocates the lungs of city residents. Fossil oil destroys life. Green power comes from several sources. First, solar energy comes from maximizing the suns’ energy. Solar panels can convert the sun’s energy to electrical energy. Second, geothermal energy, comes from hot springs. Another source of geothermal energy is the volcanic heat escaping the earth’s internal areas. Third, Ethanol energy comes from grain alcohol. Ethanol is extracted from corn, barley, sugarcane another sugar-based feedstock. Fourth, wind energy comes from windmills and tall free standing turbines. Historically, windmills have been used in Holland for generate energy. Also, the use of green wind energy creates eliminates the hazards and pollution of fossil fuel-based energy. Sidney Borowitz (199 9) emphasized â€Å"Fossil fuels are the remains of organic matter that, over hundreds of millions of years, have undergone substantial physical changes induced by pressure and chemical changes caused by the action of bacteria. The fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gas. They provide the United States with about 90 percent of the energy it uses. This energy was originally provided by the sun, which made it possible for the plants to grow.† In terms of wind energy, Borowitz (1999) reiterated â€Å"Fossil fuels are the remains of organic matter that, over hundreds of millions of years, have undergone substantial physical changes induced by pressure and chemical changes caused by the action of bacteria. The fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gas. They provide the United States with about 90 percent of the energy it uses. This energy was originally provided by the sun, which made it possible for the plants to grow†. Using coal will damage the earth’s envir onment. Borowitz (1999) insists coal is the most abundant fossil fuel on earth. Coal creates the biggest damage on the environment. Burning coal creates polluting smoke. The polluting smoke makes breathing difficult. The polluting smoke damages the Ozone layer. Wind energy reduces the air pollution trend in major cities of the United States. Judith Cherni (2002) states the concentration of industrial manufacturing plants’ exhausts immensely contributes to the atmosphere’s pollution. The air pollution significantly derails the average person’s health. Different air pollutant types exert different degrees of health damage to the people. The degree or concentration of the pollutants generates various effects on the average county resident. To reduce the current air pollution trends, the states’ air pollution policies must be effectively and deficiently revised and set into immediate motion. Likewise, a research conducted by Cornelis Van Kooten (2009) shows t hat the earth’s wind energy supplies potential research shows that the world’s wind energy supply potential influentially surpasses the world’s energy needs. However, only one percent of the world’s electricity need is presently supplied by the green wind power. The fact is true even though there is an almost fifty percent yearly growth in the wind producing capabilities over the past twenty five years. Almost 100 percent of the entire green wind energy had been

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

A letter to the shop personnel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A letter to the shop personnel - Essay Example Assistance was to be provided then in the solution implementation, and improvement monitoring. The time line for the measurement phase was two weeks, with each of the following phases taking a week. In the initial phase, it was found data flow was slower than expected, with workers in the team claiming lack of time to utilize the tools. The involvement of the shop management was sought, as the means to persuade the workers to use the tools. Management pressure resulted in the desired flow of data, but the data did not provide any sensible findings. The tools worked fine, and the workers were trained in their use. So the data had to be flawed. Time was also running out. This strong resistance from workers in the team was unexpected, and the challenge faced. I realized that the solution to the challenge lay in obtaining cooperation from the workers in the team, rather than compliance. For this an understanding of the reasons for lack of cooperation was required. This led to talks with shop employees on their perspective of our engagement, which concluded in our finding that despite their respect for us, they feared loss of jobs. To resolve the problem I realized that the shop employees needed to be convinced of our mission, which was increasing their efficiency. Increased efficiency would lead to more jobs rather than retrenchment. Working with the researchers in the team, three actions were initiated. The first action involved the writing of a letter to the shop personnel informing them that they were in fact assisting.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Internet & interactive media-consumer website analysis and evaluation Research Paper

Internet & interactive media-consumer website analysis and evaluation project about Sephora - Research Paper Example Sales associates and make-up artists undergo intensive training so that they can be well prepared to answer customers’ questions and give them advice ranging from skin types, and application techniques. The company not only serves women who are frequent users of the beauty products, but also men. This paper examines the Sephora’s digital marketing strategy and its website which is located at 2. Unique market positioning The company was launched in the 1960s and unlike other business entities which use the commission-based model, Sephora relies on the self-service model. Under this model, customers go around the store, and are able to feel, touch and try the available offerings. Its founder, Dominique Mondonnaud transformed the existing model by grouping products by qualities such as perfume notes and scents rather than by brand. By 1984, Dominique had opened more than 8 perfume shops, but in 1993 he sold all the stores to Louis Vuitton. Followin g the acquisition of Sephora, LVMH expanded its operations in many European countries as well as in the North America. Under the LVMH group, Sephora continues to expand the existing product lines and its current offerings include accessories, skin care, hair care, and make-up products. The company is renowned for its revolutionary products such as the anti-wrinkle cream StriVectin-SD. On its website, Sephora is highly recognized for providing the customers with an interactive shopping environment, and an unparalleled assortment of prestige products. Its products are most popular with those aged between 15 and 70 years old, and currently, the company operates in 24 countries. In North America, the company has established around 280 stores and mini-stores and has 11,000 products and 250 brands. Such a wide offerings ensures consumers needs and wants are adequately satisfied. 2.1 Products The company offers more than 200 brands and over 13,000 products and is considered a one-stop shop for all personal care needs. The company boasts of highly esteemed brands and trendy products and each of the brand features unique colors and packaging. In each of the stores, customers can receive innovative services from the Sephora professionals and it is this element that sets the company apart from its direct competitors. Maintaining high perceived quality products enables the company to charge premium prices. The prices of the available products and services are differentiated and this variation helps the company to serve a wider segment. Some of the products are highly priced while others are lowly priced to fit into the middle to upper range. The prices of course are higher than at other stores, and this price level is justified by the high quality services offered. 2.2 Communication and differentiation The company differentiates itself on three principles: freedom, experience and guarantee. In this regard, customers are guaranteed of quality services and they can s return product they are not satisfied

Monday, July 22, 2019

Black Madonnas Essay Example for Free

Black Madonnas Essay According to Scheer Black Madonna’s have went from majesty to mystery with the construct of race as a science toward the end of the 18th century. With this construct of race it begins to dramatically undermine the pious interpretations of the objects and images surrounding the Black Madonna. A common theme used is that the Madonna’s became black unintentional, has greatly affected the depth into which the study of the Black Madonna’s has gone. Michael P. Duricy gives three categories in which the Madonna’s can be placed: 1) Dark brown or black Madonna’s with skin pigmentation matching that of the indigenous population. 2) Those that have turn black as a result of certain physical factors such as deterioration of lead-based paints, accumulated smoke from the use of votive candles; and the accumulation of grime over the ages. The third and final category is a residual category with no ready explanation. Charles Rohault de Fleury and Stephen Beissel support the second category that the images were blackened by the surround elements. There are two strong theories that if the Madonna was indeed intentionally darkened it was because the Madonna was to illustrate a text from the Canticle of Canticles or Song of Songs that said â€Å"I am black but beautiful† Stephen Benko summarizes the other theory as relating the Black Madonna to the ancient earth-goddess and then converted to Christianity. The most fertile soil is black in color and the blacker it is the more suited it is for agriculture. Scheer mentions that the ideas of pre-Christian beliefs are preserved in the folk culture of the Black Madonna’s earth centered spirituality at the helm of the hypothesis of the color choice of the Madonna’s. Scheer says that there is no mention of color of the Madonna’s only the recurrence in motifs of a miraculous find and the refused removal of the object or painting. Lastly, Scheer mentions that the votive tablets do not speak of when the images became black but when they were perceived Black.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Importance and factors involved in marital adjustment

Importance and factors involved in marital adjustment According to Alfred Adler (1978), marriage is part of the three tasks (i.e., work, friendship, and love) that the human community sets for every individual. Relationship importance Over the course of life, people learn to establish different relationships, with different values, expectations and commitments. One of those relationships is the marital relationship. For A good marital relationship marital adjustment is essential. Sinha Mukerjee (1990) defines marital adjustment as The state in which there is an overall feeling in husband and wife of happiness and satisfaction with their marriage and with each other. Locke Wallace (1959) defines marital adjustment as: accommodation of husband and wife to each other at a given time According to Spanier and Cole (1976), marital adjustment is a process, the outcome of which is determined by the degree of: a) troublesome marital differences, b) interpersonal tensions and personal anxiety, c) marital satisfaction d) dyadic cohesion, e) consensus on matters of importance to marital functioning. There are a number of factors that define a healthy marital adjustment. Some of these factors are Factors involved in Marital Adjustment: Wife employment and Marital Adjustment: Blumstein and Schwartz (1983) had earlier found that individuals, particularly wives, reported increased levels of self-esteem, self-concept, and self-worth were positively correlated with employment. Previous research on the relationship be- tween wife employment and marital adjust- ment has produced conflicting results: some investigations report a positive relationship between wife employment and marital adjust- ment (Burke Weir, 1976; Hartley, 1978); others suggest a negative relationship (Bean, Curtis, Marcum, 1977; Gover, 1963); other studies show no relationship (Bahr Day, 1978; Blood Wolfe, 1960). Nathawat and Mathur (1993) did a study in India about marital adjustment and subjective well-being in Indian-educated housewives and working women. Their results indicated that working women had better marital adjustment and subjective well-being. Working women reported high scores on general health, life satisfaction and self-esteem measures lower scores on hopelessness, insecurity and anxiety whereas the housewives had lower scores on negative affect than the working women. Trust and marital adjustment: Relationships are composed of trust, and sharing of intimate thoughts and feelings. They are built upon trust and sharing and they get stronger from these things (Finkenauer, Kerkhof, Righetti, Branje, 2009). According to Regan, Kocan, and Whitlock (1998) Trust is one of the most important component of a loving relationship. Also international studies have found trust to be a critical factor in the success of long-term marriages (Roizblatt et al. 1999; Sharlin 1996). In a longitudinal study, Kristina Moeller and Hakan Stattin (2001) report that adolescents with trustful parental relationships experienced greater satisfaction with their partner relationships in midlife. Quality of life and marital adjustment Psychological Factors: Depression stress (psychological well being) Lower psychological well-being is a major risk factor for relationship distress. Higher rates of relationship problems have been consistently linked to persons suffering from severe psychiatric disorders, including depression, substance abuse, and anxiety disorders (Bradbury, 1998). Many studies link marital conflict to depression (Beach, Arias, OLeary, 1987; OLeary and Beach, 1990). Although the authors propose a bidirectional causal relationship between marital conflict and depression, they suggest that marital conflict is typically a more powerful contributing factor to depression. Marital satisfaction appears to be an important factor of psychological well being. Marital distress has been linked with many psychological difficulties especially depression. (KAUSAR ANSARI.. thesis) . Belongingness and Marital Adjustment: According to Baumeister Leary (1995) Belongingness might have multiple and strong effects on emotional patterns and on cognitive processes. Lack of belongingness or attachments is linked to a variety of ill effects on health, adjustment, and well-being. In a close relationship there is a need to belong and if that need isnt fulfilled then problems may occur. One of the universal institutions is marriage which is accepted to satisfy the need for belongingness. Economics and Marital Adjustment Education and income have also been linked to marital satisfaction and marital conflict, with greater levels of education and income predicting greater marital satisfaction and less conflict. Economic stress has a negative effect on marital satisfaction and a positive influence on relationship dissolution (Johnson Booth, 1990). Economic strain is directly linked to increased couple disagreements and has direct impact on marital adjustment (Kinnunen and Feldt, 2004). Many researches haves been conducted on economic factor in relation to marital adjustment e.g Zedlewski (2002) studied economic factor in relation to family well-being , he found that low family income and limited benefits have negative influences on child and family well-being. Voyandoff (1990) studied economic distress and family relations.   Ross Mirowsky (1992) and Yadollahi (2009) studied that employment of spouses  and the sense of control in various types of stressors of marital life. Diener and Diener (2001) investigated that wealth is related to many positive outcomes in life. Gudmunson, Beutler, Israelsen, McCoy Hill (2007) found that financial problems significantly contributed to lower reported marital satisfaction among married couples. In a study in Finland conducted by Kinnunen and Feldt (2004) concluded that husbands unempl oyment is strongly associated with his marital adjustment. Couples with better economic resources are martially adjusted as compared to those who have limited economic resources. Economic hard times increased rate of martial distress.   (Blekesaunes   2008)   Personality and Marital Adjustment In a study by Bouchard, Sabourin, Lussier, Y. (1999) the relationship of various personality traits with marital adjustment was studied. Personality traits studied were neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness. The scale used to measure marital adjustment was dyadic adjustment scale. The results showed that women high in agreeableness and openness were more adjusted. Also males that were high on openness and agreeableness were more martially adjusted. Husbands openness was positively related to their wives marital adjustment. Open individuals may tolerate and respect differences in behavior and thought of partner which would reduce the number of conflicts and increase the consensus between spouses. Kim, Martin, and Martin (1989) and Levine and Henessy (1990) found that personality factors differentiated stable from unstable marriages. Stable marriages were more similar in intelligence, protension, radicalism, tender-mindedness, mutual trust, acceptance, enthusiasm, and genuineness. Personality factors that reduce the likelihood of stability and satisfaction have included the lack of warmth and extraversion (Levine Henessy); passive-aggression (Slavik, Carlson, Sperry, 1998); borderline pathologies (Paris Braverman, 1995); bipolar disorders (Peven Schulman, 1998); feelings of insecurity, unfairness, depreciation, and powerlessness (Begin, Sabourin, Lussier, Wright, 1997); disagreeableness, emotional instability, inconsiderateness, and physical abuse (Botwin et al., 1997; Kosek, 1996; Shackelford Buss, 1997); depression (Cohan Bradbury, 1997; Davila Bradbury, 1997; Fals-Stewart, Birchler, Schafer, Lucente, 1994); neuroticism (Karney Bradbury, 1997; Russell Wells, 1994a ; Russell Wells, 1994b); tension, anxiety, worry, and suspicion (Craig Olson, 1995); hostility, defensiveness, and aggression (Heyman, OLeary, Jouriles, 1995; OLeary, Malone, Tyree, 1994; Newton, Kiecolt-Glaser, Glaser, Malarkey, 1995); and negative affectivity leading to negative attributions (Huston Vangelistic, 1991; Karney, Bradbury, Fincham, OSullivan, 1994). Individual personality traits have also been linked to couples relationship functioning for both men and women. Personality traits of neuroticism, anxiety, and emotional instability have been shown to impair relationship functioning and reduce relationship satisfaction (Watson Clark, 1984). Additionally, personality characteristics of agreeableness and expressiveness have been referred to as individual protective factors, which may enhance marital satisfaction (Bradbury, Campbell, Fincham, 1995). Communication and Marital Adjustment: Communication is necessary for human growth and development also it serves as the essential foundation for marital success and is the facilitating process for an enduring marriage that is satisfying (Robinson Blanton, 1993). Communication within relationships is an important factor, if there isnt communication the relationship suffers. The relationship between marital communication and adjustment is a strong one (Murphy Mendelson 2004). Gottman (1995) in his book indicated that communication could be both productive and destructive to relationships as unhappy couples tend to criticize, disagree, complain, put down, and use excuses and sarcasm. Unrewarding communication patterns lead to the development of relationship distress (Markman, 1979). In contrast, happy couples with marital stability and satisfaction are more likely to use active listening skills, agree, approve, assent, use laughter and humor (Fisher, Giblin, Hoopes, 1982) and possess character virtues of self-restraint, courage, and friendship (Fowers Olson, 1986). Gottman (1995) has suggested that satisfied couples maintain a five-to-one ratio of positive to negative exchanges in interactions Gender also plays an important role in couple communication as there are gender differences in verbal and nonverbal communication with men tending to be more dominant in their interactions and women being more submissive (Tannen, 1990). Emmers-Sommer (2004) studied the effect of communication quality and quantity indicators on satisfaction in relationships. A key term in the study was quality time; this refers to focused, uninterrupted time spent with children, partners, friends, and significant others. Another key term used in the study was quantity time; this refers to frequency of communication or contact. For individuals to reach relationship satisfaction they have to examine the quantity and quality of their disclosures with their partners. Emmers-Sommer (2004) found that quality of communication predicts both relationship satisfaction and intimacy. The quantity of communication, however, was not a predictor for relationship satisfaction. Concealment/Non- disclosure and marital adjustment: Disclosure  as a phenomenon was first investigated by Sidney Jourard (1971). The process was originally defined as telling others about the self. Rosenfeld (1979) explained self-disclosure as the personal information of self that is only available from himself and is not available from other sources. Jorgensen Gaudy (1980) defines self disclosure as: A process by which a marriage partner ex- presses feelings, perceptions, fears, and doubts of the inner self to the other partner, allowing relatively private and personal information to surface in the relationship that normally would not be revealed in the course of day-to-day interaction. The word conceal has been originated from the Latin work Concelare , celare means to hide. Merriam Webster defines concealment as  to prevent disclosure or recognition. Concealment is the activity of hiding information and keeping secrets from other people. Larson and Chastain (1990) explained self concealed personal information as firstly, a subset of private personal information, secondly, it is accessible only to the individual and thirdly it is actively kept from the awareness of others. Thus, self-concealment involves the conscious concealment of private information like feelings, thoughts, actions or events that one perceives as highly intimate, distressing or negative. Even though concealment and disclosure seem the same, there is some difference between self-disclosure and self-concealment. According to Larson and Chastain 1990 the act of revealing personal information is self- disclosure whereas the act of concealing personal information is self-concealment. They argued that self-concealment and self-disclosure are two separate and distinct constructs even though they are related. Effects of concealment/non-disclosure on marital adjustment Feelings of Exclusion People usually resent it when they perceive that another person is keeping secrets from them. The general reaction towards concealment is that of exclusion since in that persons view his right to know is being violated. This level or degree of exclusion felt by a person is higher when these persons are in a close and intimate relationship (Finkenauer, Kerkhof, Righetti, Branje, 2009). Marital relationships are composed of trust, and sharing of intimate thoughts and feelings. They are built upon trust and sharing and they get stronger from these things. Therefore the quality of relationship is influenced adversely when there is a perception of concealment from partner. The perception of concealment effects on relationship quality, the person feels rejected or excluded (Finkenauer, Kerkhof, Righetti, Branje, 2009). The exclusion that is communicated by concealment can be assumed to violate almost all features and values commonly associated with close relationships, including trust, caring, honesty, friendship, companionship, unconditional acceptance, and respect (Finkenauer, Kerkhof, Righetti, Branje, 2009). Psychological effects To keep secrets or deliberately conceal information from others seems to be part of normal development. Even though every person has secrets they can sometimes be a burden. There are different types of secrets people keep like having cheated on an exam, having a disease, sexual orientation or having been sexually molested as a child. Most of these secrets involve stigmatizing or negative information that usually involves the secret keepers themselves. People who conceal negative or distressing information of self from others as compared to the ones who do not, are more depressed, anxious, shy and have low self-esteem.(Kelly, Klusas, Weiss Kenny, 2001) Effects of Disclosure on marital adjustment Self-disclosure and liking The earliest work done on the relationship between disclosure and liking was by Jourard (1959) who found a positive association between liking the other person and disclosing to that person in a sample of nursing students and faculty. A number of studies have been done on this relationship and confirmed that we disclose more to people whom we like. (e.g., Certner,1973, Fitzgerald, 1963; Worthy, Gary, Kahn, 1969) and also we tend to like the people who disclose personal information to us (e.g., Archer, Berg, Runge, 1980; Daher Banikiotes, 1976;Taylor, Gould, Brounstein, 1981). Self-Disclosure and psychological well-being Most of the studies done on the relationship between concealment and psychological well-being have shown the same results which are that higher levels of disclosure are associated with psychological wellbeing and lower levels of disclosure are associated with poorer mental health. Disclosing distressing information helps with the psychological well-being and not disclosing leads to poorer mental health. It is thought that disclosing distressing information helps psychological well-being by reducing the stress of keeping the information to oneself (Ichiyama et al 1993; Cramer, 1999; Barry and Mizrahi, 2005; Hook and Andrews, 2005; Kahn et al 2002). Gender differences and concealment: Concealment is behavior that is more common in males. On the other hand previous studies indicate that females are usually more willing to disclose distressing or personal information. Traditionally, discussing personal problems is a behavior that is considered more appropriate for females than for males (Kahn and Hessling, 2001). Among men, asking for help when faced with psychological problems is often perceived as a weakness (Jourard and Lasakow, 1958; West, 1970; Jourard, 1971; Cozby, 1973; Kelly and Achter, 1995; Kahn and Hessling, 2001). Moreover, traditional sex-role stereotypes suggest that females are more skillful in communicating and also are more concerned with issues of intimacy than are men. So an intimate disclosure by a man may be seen as less appropriate than a similar disclosure by a woman (Collins Miller 1994). All in all men who disclose are generally viewed as maladjusted whereas women who do not disclose may be viewed as maladjusted. (Collins Miller 1994). Age and tendencies towards disclosure/ non-concealment and in terms of age it has been found that young people are more likely to disclose than older people. (Jourard, 1971; Hook and Andrews, 2005). Literature Review: Labels such as satisfaction, adjustment, success, happiness, and quality have all been used in describing the quality of marriage (Fincham, Beach, Kemp-Fincham, 1997) Theories on marital adjustment and disclosure Social penetration theory: Many studies have dealt with self disclosure. One main theory that was a framework for the study is Social Penetration Theory (Altman Taylor, 1987). This theory was a model for the study because it looks at self disclosure as both the depth and the breadth. In this study the depth of self disclosure is an important factor when reaching satisfaction in relationships. Altman and Taylor use an onion as a metaphor for relationship development. They suggest that the onion represents the breadth and depth of self disclosures. On the outer layer of the onion individuals have the breadth of disclosures: a broad aspect of a person such as their tastes, worldview, and studies. As individuals go deeper into the onion, they get to the depth of disclosures meaning they get more detail on aspects of an individual. This represents the degree of a persons disclosure. The main route to deep social penetration is through individuals disclosures. The depth of penetration would represent the degree of personal disclosure. Altman and Taylor (1987) suggest the depth of penetration into the onion model is the degree of intimacy. This study examines the depth of penetration, breadth is equally important in relationships. This theory supports the idea that people who have a high level of depth in their disclosure will be more satisfied in romantic relationships. This theory does not examine the amount of self disclosure as it does the depth of self disclosure. Three competing models of marital disclosure and satisfaction Jorgensen Gaudy (1980) gave models for marital disclosure and satisfaction and according to Spanier (1976) marital satisfaction is a sub category of marital adjustment. According to the linear model of marital relationship, there exists a positive, linear relationship between marital disclosure and marital satisfaction. Marital relationship is characterized by factors like intimacy, trust and caring. Marital disclosure positively impacts these factors and therefore presence of these factors in a marital relationship systematically increase the level of marital satisfaction. Therefore, this model suggests that higher the level of marital disclosure greater will be the marital satisfaction and vice versa. The curvilinear model as opposed to the linear model suggests that a satisfying marital relationship exists only with medium levels of self disclosure. When self disclosure falls on the high or low end of the continuum of self disclosure, marital satisfaction will decrease. This means that too lack of self disclosure is not the only factor that results in low marital satisfaction. Extensive self disclosure might be perceived as nagging or too much complaining which might raise negative feelings of hostility in the spouse which in turn will decrease the marital satisfaction. Hence, according to this model moderate levels of self disclosure are characterized as a key factor in achieving high marital satisfaction. John Gottmans (1999) scientifically validated theory of marriage, based on 25 years of longitudinal research, is one of the leading theories in the study of marital satisfaction. Gottmans theory (1999) states that positive interaction and friendship is the key to marital satisfaction and the prediction of marital stability over time. According to Gottman (1999), a ratio of 5:1 positive to negative interactions is necessary for marital stability. Gottman defines marital stability as a satisfying marital relationship that is not disrupted by separation or divorce. He states, The most important finding was that more positive affect was the only variable that predicted both marital stability and happiness (p. 21). In Gottmans theory (1999), there is a process of what he calls sentiment override in couples. He states, Sentiment override can be either positive or negative. Negative sentiment override means that people have a chip on their shoulder. These types of partners are hypervigilant, looking for slights or attacks by their partner. Positive sentiment override means that even negativity by the partner is interpreted as informative rather than as a personal attack (p. 164). Positive sentiment override creates a milieu in which the partners are more tolerant and accepting of each other, while negative sentiment override creates a set of expectations that ones spouse will behave negatively. Similarly, OLeary and Smith (1991) refer to this phenomenon as cognitive attributional correlates of marital satisfaction. These authors state that distressed couples are less likely to objectively interpret positive behaviors from their spouses as positive and more likely to interpret the intent of their spouses statements more negatively than they were meant to be. Compared to non-distressed couples, dissatisfied spouses make attributions that cast their partners behavior in a negative light and these attributions in turn negatively influence marital satisfaction (Bradbury Fincham, 1990). In summary, according to Gottman (1999) as well as OLeary and Smith (1991) it is not what happens in the marriage, but how the partners perceive and define what has happened that is critical. Gottman posits that 69% of couples problems will be what he calls, perpetual problems, meaning largely unresolvable. He has found that in the case of the perpetual problems, it is important for couples to establish a dialogue, as opposed to a solution in these instances. When couples cannot dialogue about these issues, they often become gridlocked, where each partner becomes frustrated and eventually emotionally disengaged. The role of communication therefore plays an important role in marital satisfaction. Studies examining marital satisfaction vary in design, measurement, and outcomes, leading to a number of explanations accounting for marital satisfaction (Gottman, 1999). Perception of concealment has an adverse effect on marital relationships. Some researches have been carried out related to this issue. In a longitudinal study it was studied how perceiving concealment in close relationships influences marital well-being. The research showed that people in marital relationships who perceive their partner to be concealing information from them had poor relationships, mistrust and conflict between them. In the study it was also discussed that people who conceal information also perceive that the other person is concealing information from them. Perceiving concealment may give the other partner the impression that he/she is not desirable or cannot be trusted; it gives the other person the feelings of being excluded. And the feeling of exclusion may result in feelings of separation or estrangement which may result in marital conflict (Finkenauer et al., 2009). Another study conducted in Belgium has investigated disclosure and secrecy in close, long-term relationships. It showed in the study that secrecy contributed a lot to marital dissatisfaction. The study explains how a person who has a secret avoids a difficult topic rather than facing it to avoid conflict, while the other partner perceives the secrecy as a sign of suspicion, which contributes negatively to marital satisfaction. Another point in the study was that people trying to hide something on the way feel that they have to put on a mask for the other person so he/she doesnt get to know their secret; they have to pretend which may lead to less intimacy and closeness. People who felt comfortable with sharing their emotions and were able to talk about matters were more satisfied with their relationship. One of the questionnaires used to test their study was the Larson and Chastains (1990) Self- Concealment Scale (Finkenauer Hazam, 2000). Low expressiveness leads to dissatisfaction in a marital relationship. Miller et al. (2003) argued that expressive people are less likely to suffer decline in marital satisfaction. They found that spouses expressiveness was positively related to their own and partners affectionate behaviors and this affectionate behavior was in turn related with marital satisfaction. Expressiveness is positively associated with peoples perception of their partners responsiveness. Davidson, Balswick Halverson (1983) did a study on the Affective Self-Disclosure and Marital Adjustment. It was based upon 162 married couples. The study explains that the greater is the discrepancy in partners affective self-disclosure, the lesser is the individuals marital adjustment. READ WHOLE PAPER AND WRITE. Sprecher and Hendrick (2004) examined the relationship between self-disclosure and relationship quality and found a positive relationship between disclosure and relationship quality. Self-disclosure is an indicator of satisfaction in romantic relationships. Levesque, Steciuk, and Ledley (2002) studied how self-disclosure relates to the development of personal relationships, relational intimacy, and relationship dissolution. The results showed that perceived intimacy was strongly associated with level of self-disclosure. Self-disclosure was found to be strongly reciprocal. Levesque et al. 2002 found that the level of self-disclosure strongly influences individual differences between disclosers. HANSEN E.J SCHULDT J.W (1984) did a study on marital self-disclosure and marital satisfaction. The sample for the study was on a sample of 50 married couples of mean age 25 years and mean length of marriage was 3.18 years and mean education was 15 years. Scales used for measuring the variables were Jourards self disclosure questionnaire( jourard and Lasakow, 1958) and Spaniers (1976) Dyadic Adjustment Scale. the results of the study showed that wifes disclosure to husband was positively related to husbands marital satisfaction and husbands disclosure to wife was also positively related to husbands marital satisfaction. One predictor that may have particular importance to marital satisfaction is gender roles. According to Kurdek (2005) there are two classes of theories that explain the position about how men and women experience close relationships in different ways. the first class, that is the biological, posits that males and females in a relationship process events differently at the cardiovascular, endocrinological, immunological, neurosensory, and neurophysiological levels. For example Kiecolt-Glaser Newton (2001) in their research reviewed evidence showing that men are more physiologically sensitive to acute stressors than women and women showed stronger and more durable physiological changes than men in marital conflict. The other class that is the class of social psychological theories posits that both genders differ in ways that are directly relevant to relationship functioning like the structure and content of how the self is constructed, personality traits and socialized roles. The other class that is the class of social psychological theories posits that both genders differ in ways that are directly relevant to relationship functioning like the structure and content of how the self is constructed, personality traits and socialized roles. Other research has also substantiated that marriage disproportionately benefits men, with husbands reporting higher levels of marital satisfaction and well-being than their wives (Bird Fremont, 1991; McRae Brody, 1989; Schumm, Webb, Bollman, 1998). Gender is defined as the socially determined role of an individual that is ascribed as a result of his or her sex (Juni Grimm, 1994). Gender roles influence men and women in every aspect of their lives and relationships (Knox Schacht, 2000). Demographic characteristics including age, race, income, education, length of marriage, and religiosity, have been linked to marital satisfaction and marital conflict (Knox Schacht, 2000). Based on Gottmans (1999) research, length of marriage is also a significant predictor for marital satisfaction and marital conflict. He identifies two critical time periods of vulnerability in the marital trajectory, with the majority of couples divorcing within the first seven years of marriage. Couples who divorce within the first seven years of marriage have relationships characterized by having high levels of marital conflict. Conversely, a second vulnerable time period for the marital trajectory is 16 to 24 years of marriage. This is the next most likely time frame for couples to divorce. These relationships are characterized by spending little time together, lack of communication, and a lack of conflict expression. Gottman (1999) refers to these couples as two ships passing in the night.

Forensic Analysis of Personal Data Leakage on Android Phone

Forensic Analysis of Personal Data Leakage on Android Phone Sheriff Drammeh  Ã‚   RESEARCH STATEMENT The proposed research will explore personal data leakage on the android mobile application platform through forensic analysis of volatile and non-volatile memory. PROPOSAL SUMMARY The proposed research will employ both volatile memory forensic techniques and traditional disk forensic techniques to the android platform in order to identify privacy breaches primarily in android mobile applications [1]. The proposed research also aims to demonstrate that forensic artifacts can be found both in the disk drive (non-volatile) and memory (volatile). AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE PROPOSED RESEARCH 1. Acquire non-volatile data from an android device using the traditional forensic approach and the memory dump, analyse the acquired data for any forensic artifacts and make a comparative analysis of both approaches. This will be achieve by conducting an experimental simulation of both approaches. 2. Develop an effective methodology to improve the detection of personal data leakages and sensitive information from android mobile applications. RESOURCES The major part of this proposed research will be conducting an experiment, hence few equipments are essential to be in place in order to carry out the experiment. The proposed research is mainly memory dumping and disk drive imaging for forensic analysis. Some open source tools will be highly utilize during the course of this proposed research, such as android studio SDK, Odin, ADB and mem. Additionally, books on android forensics, mobile forensics, journals and YouTube video tutorials will also be utilize. As the research progresses more resources might be needed. The following is a non-exhaustive list of resources currently available for use: à ¢-  Window 10 OS with processor Intel (R) Core(TM)i7, install memory of 16.0GB is the host operating system and forensic workstation for disk image analysis à ¢-  Linux Ubuntu 15.10 x32 with kernel v2.6 is our forensic workstation for memory analysis à ¢-  VMware Virtual Machine v11.1.2: Will be used to install guest operating system à ¢-  Physical android phone Samsung galaxy S3: Is the subject of the experiment à ¢-  Android SDK developer tool for Linux x32: Is a software development tool used for application development and analysis. à ¢-  mem is an open source tool for dumping running process on android phone à ¢-  Odin3.-v3.10 is open source tool that enable us to rooted android phone à ¢-  Samsung usb drive for mobile phone used to enable debugging bridge between android phone and forensic workstation à ¢-  CF-Auto-Root-2dcan-2dvl-sghi747m is used to update firmware during rooting process. à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · AccessData Forensic tool kit version 3.4.2 ( Download FTK Imager 3.4.2) is forensic software tool used to analysis disk image file 3 | P a g e CONNECTION TO THE COURSES OF MISSM PROGRAM This proposed research is closely related to Digital forensic course (ISSM536), which is one of the course we had covered in our Information Systems and Security Management program. The proposed research used the techniques learned from this class and applied them in the android environment to reveal several types of personal information such as username, password, date of birth, postal addresses contact, photos, account number, messages etc. The comparative analysis method used covers the principles of digital evidence collection learned in Information Technology Security Laws and Ethics course (ISSM561). The proposed research has a beginning and ending, as a result it need to be managed in order to deliver the end result. Therefore, the knowledge learned from (ISSM545) System Development and Project Management. REVIEW OF RELATED RESEARCHS Fuchs, et al., [2] presented the first analysis tool for android called SCanDroid, a framework for Android to perform information flow analysis on applications in order to understand the flow of information from one component to another component. Consider a case where an application request permission to access multiple data stores i.e., public data store and private data store. The application requires permission for reading the data from the private store and writing data to the public store. SCanDriod analyzes the information flow of the application and reports whether the application will transfer the information in the private store to the public store or not. However, SCanDroid also suffers from the same limitation of security policy expressibility. In order to consider some information flow to be dangerous, the policy writers must define certain constraints prior to executing the policy. Similarly, if an information flow is not explicitly added to the set of constraints the f ramework will consider it to be safe. In 2012, C. Gibler, et al., presented AndroidLeaks, a static analysis framework for automatically finding potential leaks of sensitive information in Android applications on a massive scale[4]. It informed the user if applications are leaking their personal information. AndroidLeaks drastically reduces the number of applications and the number of traces that a security auditor has to verify manually. To secure privacy information, they set up a mappings between Android API methods and the required permissions as the sources and sinks of private data for data flow analysis. However, AndroidLeaks does not yet analyze Android-specific control and data flows. This includes Intents, which are used for communication between Android and application components, and content providers, which provide access to database-like structures managed by other components. Sasa Mrdovic et al., [3] proposed a combination of static and live analysis for memory image, which is obtained by hibernation mode (power management feature that exists in most portable computers). After they obtained the physical memory image, they used it to boot the investigated system in the virtual machine (live view) to resume the system to the same state before it went into hibernation mode. Their proposal of using hibernating feature was to obtain the memory contents without violating the evidence integrity, but during their analysis they found out that they lost all the information about network connections because hibernation mode terminates the network connections before it starts in Windows environment. As one of best well-known analysis approaches, Taint Droid detects privacy leaks using dynamic taint tracking [5]. Enck et al. built a modified Android operating system to add taint tracking information to data from privacy-sensitive sources. They track private data as it propagates through applications during execution. If private data is leaked from the phone, the taint tracker records the event in a log which can be audited by the user. In 2015,Young ho Kim et al., proposed a methodology and an architecture for measuring user awareness of sensitive data leakage, which features runtime application analysis over timing distance between the user input event and actual privacy data leak[6]. 4 | P a g e Nai-Wei Lo, Kuo-Hui Yeh, and Chuan-Yen Fan present a user privacy analysis framework called LRPdroid[7]. LRPdroid has been proposed for an Android platform to offer a user privacy management model. In the LRPdroid framework, they defined required models to achieve user privacy management: App execution data flow, user perception, leakage awareness, information leakage detection, privacy disclosure evaluation, and privacy risk assessment. To support the proposed privacy analysis model, two information capture modules for LRPdroid were designed to acquire incoming data inputted by a mobile user and outgoing data transmitted from a targeted App. A system prototype based on the LRPdroid framework was developed to evaluate the feasibility and practicability of LRPdroid. Two general App usage scenarios were adopted during the usage of Line App to evaluate the effectiveness of LRPdroid on user privacy disclosure by social engineering attack, user information leakage from normal operations o f a running App, and privacy risk assessment of targeted running App. In 2015[10], Pasquale Stirparo, Igor Nai Fovino, and Ioannis Kounelis developed a novel methodology called MobiLeak, for analysis of security and privacy level of mobile applications, which focuses more on user data instead of application code and its architecture. Their research work addressed and solved the problems related to the following three research questions for mobile environment and applications: (1)what are data and where can such data exist? (2) How is personal data handled? (3)How can one properly assess the security and privacy of mobile applications? They start their research work with a fundamental prerequisite in order to be able to properly treat them, which is studying and identifying every possibility state at which data can exist. After this step, they analyzed how real life mobile applications and operating systems handle users personal data for each of the states previously identified. Based on these steps they developed MobiLeak, which also combined concepts and principles from the digital forensics discipline. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED RESEARCH THE FOCUS OF THE RESEARCH The aim of this proposed research is to examine user data storage mechanism on a mobile application in a context of android platform. Analyzing mobile application for personal data leakage require extensive analysis and in-depth understanding of both the OS and application architecture. The analysis is expected to be conduct to data at rest and data in motion. The result of this proposed research will help to create awareness to both application developers and the android community that users personal data information such as username, password and other sensitive information are at risk both in volatile and non-volatile memory. Finding user sensitive data on android smart phone could be in three (3) locations: disk drive, memory and app server. Our research is limited to two out of the three application data store which is disk drive and memory, both storage areas could prove strategic locations for finding vital information for android smart phone users. The motive of this research is to examine whether applications encrypt user sensitive information both in the memory and the disk drive. This pose the following questions: 1. Does user credentials are encrypted on a memory ? 2. Among the two method which one is more forensically sound? 3. What information could be found in disk drive and not in memory? During the experimental phase of the proposed research certain applications will be examining, such as VOIP applications, social media applications, financial applications and telecom applications. I chose this samples of android application from various categories. Because these applications are fairly popular and are used by millions of people around the globe. For each application I will look at how user sensitive data, such as user name, password, date of birth and account number are store both in the disk drive and the memory. 5 | P a g e The rest of the proposed research section is divided into 4 parts: First I am going talk about my methodology, next I will present the series of preliminary result both in the memory analysis and disk analysis, third I give the highlight of the expected result and finally, I will discuss about certain obstacles that may arise. METHODOLOGY The method used in carrying out the experiment of the proposed research consist of four phases. Phase One: Gather the require tool both in term of hardware and software As the proposed research required memory dump and disk drive imaging analysis a physical android phone is needed to conduct our experiment. 1. Window Host OS and Ubuntu Guest OS as our forensic workstation 2. Android phone Samsung Galaxy S3 3. Installing Odin3.-v3 which will allow us to root our android phone 4. Install android SDK tool for using ADB(Android Debug Bridge) to get shell access on our android Phone 5. Mem application software loaded into our android phone through ADB which allow us to dump the running process from the Phone Phase Two: Installation and configuration of experimental environment At this phase all the required tools, such as the hardware and software are installed and configured. Pre-experiment of memory dump and disk imaging is performed, and tools are verified. Phase Three: Acquisition of disk image and memory dump At this phase the disk image drive is acquired using dd command tool from the internal memory to internal SDcard of the phone and ADB pull is utilize to pull/copy the disk partitions to our forensic work station. Mem program software is utilize, this allow us to dump the running process. We used ADB to install mem application into our phone in order to dump the desired running application process. Phase Four: Preservation and analysis of acquired data The purpose of this phase is to examine acquired application data both in the memory and disk drive. For example, we will check if the application is encrypting users credential both data at rest and data in transit? MEMORY DUMPING ANALYSIS This section provide detail steps taken to analysis the dumped memory of certain applications selected for this proposed research. The result shows that users credential are not properly handle by the application, which can result in personal data leakage. A program called mem was used to facilities the process dump, ABD was also used to install mem program into our android phone. List the running process and dump them into the internal SDcard and finally pull it to our forensic workstation for further analysis. Strings and sqlite3 command were utilized to look for ASCII text format from the dumped memory to understand the output result. Interestingly, the result showed that users credential are not encrypted at all. The applications analyse in this proposed research are as follows: A) Africallshop App Africallshop is a VOIP application which allows customers to buy credit online to make national and international calls and send text message worldwide to friends and family at a cheap rate. The application is 6 | P a g e rated about 4.4 in the android play store and was downloaded by five thousand (5000) customers during the time of this proposed research. The prominent outcome of this application are as follow: The username, password, caller id and user account balance are not encrypted. We ran the sqlite3 and string command on the dumped memory, which produce the result below: XXXXXXX 0017802986780 CANADA 12590 xxxxxxxxx yes CAD 574b690276bc5 [emailprotected] 0,434 B) EHarmony App EHarmony is an online dating site for singles. Those using this app can communicate freely, share picture, video and text. During the time of this proposed research the application was downloaded by five million people and rated 3.1 in the app store. The prominent outcome of this application analysis are as follow: The user credential, such as username, password and device information are all in plaintext. The result below: POST /singles/servlet/login/mobile HTTP/1.1 j_username=sdramme1%40student.concordia.ab.caj_password=123qazplatform=androidj0r1D7fg4ArJ2uSVPgSti5zcEnltO919mHUV88E%2FKUWcan9NEMgT820MygiKsWf0Sg1147vdZbXIo tLS HTTP/1.1 User-Agent: eHarmony-Android/3.1 (SGH-I747M; Android OS 4.4.2; en_CA; id f9d8a2acfec7b901) X-eharmony-device-id: f9d8a2acfec7b901 X-eharmony-device-os: Android X-eharmony-device-os-version: 19 X-eharmony-device-type: 1 X-eharmony-client: eHarmony X-eharmony-client-version: 3.1 Accept: application/json lBxp c_te j_username=sdramme1%40student.concordia.ab.caj_password=123qazplatform=android 8KTB stevedocwra on 7 | P a g e C) Virgin Mobile My account App Virgin mobile is GSM mobile application that allow user to manage their account features and usage. Users can make payment and add a buddy to their list. This application was downloaded by five hundred thousand (500,000) people during the time of this proposed research and was rated 3.4 in the app store. The prominent outcome of this application are as follow: Sim sequence number, cell phone number, UMTS number, activation date, user data of birth, subscribe date, user e-mail address, initial password, pin unlock code and account number. all this information are not encrypted. [emailprotected]:~/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools$ strings virginmobile | grep [emailprotected] We run the ps and string command on the dumped memory, which produced the result below: imeioriginal:null,simsequenceNumber:174392323,esnequipmentType:null,imeiequipmentType:{value:LTEDevice,code:T},simequipmentType:{value:USimVal,code:U}},telephoneNumber:7802356780,networkType:{value:UMTS,code:85},language:{value:EN,code:E},isBillSixty:false,isTab:false,commitmentStartDate:null,commitmentEndDate:null,commitmentTerm:0,contractType:{value:OFF_COMMITMENT,code:O},paccPinStatus:{value:NOT_ENROLLED,code:78},padPinStatus:{value:NOT_ENROLLED,code:78},initialActivationDate:1463112000000,accountCommPref:{value:BILL_INSERTS,code:66},isAccountSMSPerm:true,birthDate:512197200000,lastUpdateDate:1464062400000,lastUpdateStamp:9863,lastHardwareUpgradeDate:null,daysSinceLastHWUpgrade:null,subscriberEstablishDate:1463112000000,daysSinceActivation:16,nextTopupDate:1465704000000,cancelledSubStatusDate:1463371200000,initialPassword:5069,isCallDisplayAllowed:false,pricePlan:VHV226,portInidicator:null,primeMateInidicator:{value:UNKNOWN,code:R},primeSubNumber:null,subMarket:{value:UAC,code:UAC },telcoId:MOBL,pinUnlockKey:[36761817,63094923],manitobaIndicator:O,thunderBayIndicator:O,portabilityIndicator:O,serviceArea:N,hasOrderInProgress:false,isWCoCSubscriber:true,hasDomesticDataServices:false,hasRoamingDataServices:false,domesticDSBlockedUntil:null,roamingDSBlockedUntil:null,isAccessible:false,promotionGroupCode:null,emailAddress:[emailprotected],wcoCDate:1463112000000}]},emailAddress:[emailprotected],arbalance:{name:{}ARBalance,declaredType:java.lang.Double,scope:ca.bell._int.bside.customer.profile.types.MobilityAccountType,value:0,nil:false,globalScope:false,typeSubstituted:false},ebillInfo:{isEBillEnrolled:true,isEBillNotifyEnabled:true,ebillStartDate:1463112000000,ebillEndDate:null},siowner:{value:BELL_MOBILITY,code:MOBL},arpuamount:19.13}]},wirelineAccounts:null,internetAccounts:null,tvaccounts:null},activeHouseholdOrders:null,emailAddress:[emailprotected]},username:7802986780,guid:SCP9O0ELLDDUN2J,profileType:BUP,savedT imeStamp:2016-05-29T01:30:38.458-04:00,profilebanNumbers:[{accountType:Legacy,ban:527566075,profileSaveTime:1463945744000}],accountType:,paymentData:[[{paymentInfoList:{billAvailable:true,lastPaymentAmount:40.18,totalAmountDue:40.18,lastPaymentDate:2016-05-22T00:00:00.000-04:00,paymentDueDate:2016-06-06T00:00:00.000-04:00,billEnddate:2016-05-14T00:00:00.000-04:00,balanceForward:0,bankAccountNumber:null,creditCardNum:null,customerId:null,ban:527566075,mdn:52756607UAV580,eligibilityInd:Y}}]]}` DISK IMAGING ANALYSIS This section provided detail steps taken to conduct traditional forensic technique for non-volatile memory acquisition and analysis. During this phase the acquired memory will be examine and the primary concern will be user data stored, in particular share_pref folder. Share_pref folder is a storage location for key-value in side application database. Android application store user data within /dev/block[8]. With the use of common forensic command, such as dd, will be utilize to image disk drive partition. For this proposed research the following partitions are imaged for analysis: System file Cache file 8 | P a g e User data Persist But our proposed research experiment will be focus on user data folder, as it is consider to be the storage location for application data. To image disk drive, shell access is need through android SDK, we then look for mount file on the disk drive before executing dd commands to copy the partition from the internal memory to internal SDcard and finally pulling it to our forensic work station using adb pull command. 1. Checking the mounted file on the disk drive mount /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/persist 2. Copying the user date partition and pull it to forensic work station dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata of=/mnt/sdcard/test1 17399538+0 records in 17399537+0 records out 8908562944 bytes transferred in 1934.464 secs (4605184 bytes/sec) adb pull /mnt/sdcard/test1 3. Imaging the cache partition to internal SDcard dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache of=/mnt/sdcard/cachefile1.img 1720320+0 records in 1720320+0 records out 880803840 bytes transferred in 118.669 secs (7422358 bytes/sec) 4. Copying the system partition dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system of=/mnt/sdcard/systemfile.img 3072000+0 records in 3072000+0 records out 1572864000 bytes transferred in 255.874 secs (6147025 bytes/sec) [emailprotected]:/ # 5. Copying the persist partition dd if=/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/persist of=/mnt/sdcard/persist.img 16384+0 records in 16384+0 records out 8388608 bytes transferred in 0.865 secs (9697812 bytes/sec) The above command will image each partition of the mounted file of dev/block with the default block size of 512 byte during bit-by-bit copy of the file and direct the output file to internal SDcard. Finally, copy it to our forensic workstation, Which can be analysis using forensic tool called AccessData FTK imager version 3.4.2. FTK is recommended forensic tool for disk image analysis by both forensic and legal community for its powerful carving capability, stability and ease of use. AccessData FTK ANALYSIS 1. PayPal App PayPal is an online payment system that allows its member to transfer funds locally and globally. Members can receive, send money and buy or pay for goods and services online. The application was downloaded by 10 million people at the time of this research and rated as a good app in the app store. We added evidence item to 9 | P a g e FTK navigate to data and then share_pref folder. The folder share_pref/PresentationAccount.RememberedUsersta../ reveal user data information such as user first and last name, cell phone number, and email address. 2. AfricallShop App Africallshop is a VOIP application that allow the users to make cheap international call worldwide, user can purchase credit online to communicate with peer by text message and voice call. After adding user data partition to FTK imager, navigate to com.v2.africallshop folder, expand the folder view share_pref folder. In sher_pref folder an xml file called com.v2.africallshop-prefrences.xml was view and contain user sensitive data such as app domain name, caller ID, country, ID, user password, username and account balance all in plain text. 10 | P a g e 3. Keku App Keku is a VOIP application which facilitate call or text through Wi-Fi or mobile data. User buy credit online to make local and internationally calls. The package of the application contain probative information about the user. App database store was reveal through FTK analysis and the share_pref folder contain sensitive information about the user. In share_pref folder a file called Org.keku_preferences.xml, this file contain users sensitive data and device information such as, password, username, device-mac address and user phone number. 11 | P a g e EXPECTED RESULTS During the experimental phase of the proposed research, aim and objective of the experiment is to demonstrate or show that users personnel data information are at risk during application data process in transit and at rest. The research has observe the dumped process and disk drive imaged to reveal personal data leakage and has successfully uncover vital information about App users, such as username, password, date of birth etc. OBSTACLE The obstacles encountered during the experimental phase of the proposed research as follow: 1) Lack of enough material regarding android forensic as the field is immature 2) Unable to image the whole memory of the actual phone, as the system configuration file is missing and couldnt be found to compile it with LiMe in order to acquire the whole memory. 3) Lack of enough analysis tool to cross examine or evaluate both the dumped and disk drive memory, Ubuntu Linux tool was used to do our analysis. CONTRIBUTION TO KNOWLEDGE The proposed research show that application developers are far less careful with user sensitive data when it being stored both in the disk drive and memory in running applications. Using very simple forensic investigation techniques running strings and sqlite3 on dumped memory and disk drive imaging analysis on FTK show quite a lot of private information. OUTLINE OF FINAL RESEARCH PAPER ISSM 580/581 The final research document will be structure as follows [9]: Section 1, will be the abstract then the Introduction to the paper. Section 2, will discuss memory analysis technique. Section 3, will discuss disk imaging analysis 12 | P a g e technique. Section 4, will discusses the forensic artifacts unveil during the analysis . Section 5, related work. Section 6, the result summary. Section 7; conclusion and future work. . RESEARCH DELIVERABLES This research will be conduct in Fall Semester 2016, from September 2016 to December 2016. Nevertheless, some major preliminary steps have already being taken. Most of the required tools both hardware and software for the proposed research have already being obtained and implemented. Spring 2016 April Researching the Topic of Interest Week 1 2 Finalize the Topic with Primary Advisor Week 3 4 Read the Area/Topic of Interest May Week 1 2 Read relevant Journal or Article related to the topic of interest Week 3 4 Gathering and installation of test Environment, Conducting and Experiment. June Week 1 Writing First Draft proposal and submit Week 2 -3 Edit and Improve proposal based on advisor guidance, Further Experiment and literature review read. Week 4 Final Proposal and Submit.